A Step-by-Step Guide to Planning an Employee Incentive Trip

A Step-by-Step Guide to Planning an Employee Incentive Trip

Employees grind day to day pushing for the better success of your company. It’s part of what pushes your business towards its betterment. It only stands to reason that they deserve a reward for all their efforts. Some of the most appealing rewards you can give are corporate incentive trips.

Not only does it give your people something to look forward to, but it’s also something that — when pulled off properly — likely will inspire and relax your employees. Here are the steps you need to take to ensure that your incentive trip is successful.

1. Figure out what they want

The key consideration that you need to make is what kind of trip will, in fact, motivate your employees. Planning for something that the majority aren’t going to enjoy won’t really inspire them to work any harder.

A great way to figure this out — as well as tease them about the trip — is to conduct an informal survey in your office. While it might be good enough to pass around a piece of paper or send an email, it’s a lot more exciting to hold a meeting and encourage them to share what they want.

2. Set a budget

As much as you might want to give your employees the world, there are budgetary constraints that you need to consider. Check your earnings for a set period and figure out home much you can segregate to pull off the trip.

Once this budget is set, you can check it against their desired destinations. Having someone to do the research and make the calls to inquire will help you to find a shortlist of destinations that are viable for your incentive trip.

3. Set the duration

Another question that needs answering is how long the trip is going to last. This is a very important balance that you need to strike. Make it too short, and it isn’t going to be all that exciting. Make it too long and, not only will you be going dangerously over budget, but you also risk making it too dragging.

About 3–5 days is a safe enough duration to allow maximum enjoyment of the trip without having it run too long that it gets painfully dragging. Remember that you also have your budget to consider.

4. Plan activities


employees boarding a busCorporate incentive trips are a fine balance between giving personal time to your employees and their friends as well as using the opportunity to team build and bond as a company. Apart from planning the trip itself, you should also consider the different activities that you can pull off.

Make these as exciting as you can. If your destination has many activities on offer, try to incorporate these as well. One great idea is to try an Amazing Race type of activity, so everyone is involved and having fun.

When it comes down to it, all the planning should culminate in something concrete — you just really need to pull it all off. A way to make the process easier is to hire a planning company with the skill and experience in incentive trips.

Not only can they work within a budget that you set, but they can also handle all the inquiries and planning on your behalf. The trick is to pick a company with a proven reputation.

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