10 Tips for Saving Money During Winter in Your Office Building

10 Tips for Saving Money During Winter in Your Office Building

Just because the temperatures outside are chilly doesn’t mean your office has to be. You want your employees to keep warm, but you also don’t want to see your energy bills skyrocket. By following these tips, you can cut down on energy costs and create a more comfortable environment for your employees this winter season.

1. Get a programmable thermostat

A thermostat that you can program to adjust at different times can help you stay on top of your energy usage and save money by automatically lowering the temperature when the office is empty. You can even control some models remotely, so you can ensure the temperature is right before your employees arrive in the morning. Try to keep the thermostat set to 68 degrees Fahrenheit during business hours and lower it when the office is unoccupied.

2. Office hours matter

Consider changing your office hours during the winter, so you’re not heating the space when it’s unnecessary. For example, if you usually open at 9 am, try opening at 10 am instead. You can avoid heating the area for an extra hour each day, and your employees will appreciate the chance to sleep a little bit during the colder months.

3. Close the doors

One of the easiest ways to keep the heat in and the cold out is to ensure all doors are closed. This includes both exterior and interior doors. You may also want to consider installing surface-mounted door closers, which will automatically close the door after it’s been opened, to help keep the heat in and the cold out. Having employees refrain from propping doors open with objects like coffee cups or coats is also a good idea.

4. Educate your employees

Make sure your employees know how to properly use the heating and cooling system in your office. Educating them on simple things like not cranking the heat too high or opening windows when the AC is on can make a big difference in your energy bill. You may also want to put up signs reminding employees to keep doors closed and dress appropriately for the office temperature.

5. Let in natural light

Take advantage of sunny days by opening the blinds and letting in some natural light. Not only will this help warm up the space, but it will also help improve employee productivity. Even on cloudy days, natural light can help reduce your reliance on artificial lighting and lower energy costs. Some studies have even shown that natural light can help improve employee mood and reduce absenteeism.

Tropical plants in a contemporary room

6. Add some plants

Plants not only add a pop of color to any room but also absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the air. This can help improve air quality and make your office feel more welcoming. Choose plants that are easy to care for and don’t require a lot of sunlight, like snake plants or spider plants. Winter is also a good time to invest in office greenery since many plants go dormant during the colder months and don’t require as much care.

7. Get an energy audit

An energy audit will help you identify areas in your office that may need improvement to reduce energy usage and save money. This can be anything from adding insulation to upgrading to more energy-efficient appliances. You may even be eligible for government rebates or tax incentives when you make these improvements. Ask your local utility company about energy audits, or look for a certified professional online.

8. Seal off vents

Another way to keep heat from escaping is by sealing off any vents that are not being used with plastic sheeting or duct tape. This quick and easy fix can make a big difference in your energy bill. Look for any vents that are not being used and seal them off to prevent heat from escaping.

9. Bring in blankets

Encourage employees to bring in blankets from home to stay cozy at their desks during the winter months. This will help them stay productive while also saving money on heating costs. If you have extra space in the office, you can also consider investing in some blankets for employees to use.

10. Invest in thermal curtains

Thermal curtains are designed to keep heat from escaping through windows. They typically have a heavy lining that helps insulate against cold drafts. Installing them in your office can make a big difference in how warm the space feels and how much money you spend on heating each month.

By following these simple tips, you can save money on energy costs this winter without sacrificing comfort. Keeping your office warm doesn’t have to be an expensive endeavor—there are plenty of easy and inexpensive ways to do it. So put these tips into action and enjoy a cozy, comfortable office all season long.

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