Phone Upgrades: Are They Necessary?

Phone Upgrades: Are They Necessary?

Now that we’re living in the digital world, establishing permanence has become more difficult. Technological innovations are constantly on the rise. Social trends pass and are replaced within a short time.

Accordingly, as more modern technologies are introduced on the market, consumers feel the need to upgrade their gadgets continuously. One good example is mobile phones.

Nowadays, smartphones are considered a necessity. The Pew Research Centre shares that as of 2019, 81% of adults in the US own a smartphone. That is a huge jump from the 35% finding in 2011. With new models being released by manufacturers every year, upgrading annually can be tempting, especially if you can afford to do so anyway. The media also continue to advocate consumerism, persuading the masses that buying new things results in instant gratification.

Buying a new phone, however, is not always a wise decision. Below, we have compiled several reasons why:

Technicians are everywhere

So your phone got broken. That’s a good reason for getting a new one, right?

Wrong. Nowadays, gadget repair shops can be found everywhere. It’s not a smart move to discard your mobile phone, especially if the damage is minor, such as a cracked screen or broken camera.

Also, it won’t hurt to at least try to have a professional inspect your phone. If an expert advises you to get a new one, then you can do so. However, if the damage can be fixed, there’s no need to buy the latest model.

Additionally, no matter what type of phone you have, there are smartphone repair businesses that offer specialized services to meet your needs. For instance, if you live in a bustling urban area like Provo or Salt Lake City, Utah, you can easily find an android or iPhone repair shop.

One word: Savings

woman using her smartphone

With the price tag that comes with today’s cell phones, you can open up a savings account. Plus, if you don’t have one, yet you desire a new phone, that’s a clear sign that you need to reevaluate your financial priorities.

Moreover, the price of a single smartphone is probably equivalent to a month’s worth of utility bills. There’s even a big chance that the amount exceeds your bills, especially if you’re opting for a high-end brand. Be a responsible adult and make smarter financial decisions.

Mobile phones have a long lifespan

A smartphone still functions well about two to three years after the purchase. Some models even have a longer life, which you can verify from the manufacturer.

There are also preventative measures that you can take to keep your phone well-maintained and extend its lifespan, such as utilizing protective accessories, avoiding overcharging, and being mindful of its temperature.

Moreover, updates are readily available—you’ll even get notifications on your phone if it needs to be updated. You can also install applications to help improve your phone’s efficiency.

Electronic junk harms the environment

You don’t have to be an avid nature advocate to care about the environment. As you may know, electronic junk is extremely hazardous. When you replace your phone, you’re contributing to a large pile of junk that irresponsible consumers throw away.

There are safe and proper ways to dispose of personal electronic gadgets and accessories. The majority of manufacturers also have outlets where people can leave their old devices. Thus, if you do decide to discard your phone, do it responsibly.

These days, a smartphone is no longer considered a luxury—it has placed itself at a high rank in a person’s hierarchy of basic needs.

However, buying a new one every year is unnecessary. Updates and additional features in the latest models also tend to be minimal, meaning the phone that you own now won’t be much different than the one you’re going to get. Therefore, it’s best to maximize the use of your phone before getting a replacement. You’ll make both your bank account and the environment happy.

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